Samadhi Center:
When you are ready,
We are ready.
Samadhi embraces individuals battling addiction and trauma, offering them a supportive sanctuary where they can find solace and comprehensive care. Our mission is to prevent the loss of life by providing a safe space for those in need, recognizing that every life saved is a triumph over adversity.
Our Approach
At Samadhi, we prioritize holistic treatment approaches, understanding that addressing underlying trauma is pivotal in the journey to overcoming addiction. Our mindfulness-based recovery approach offers a compassionate and evidence-based alternative for individuals grappling with substance use and related disorders.
Contact Us:
Main Number: (845) 481-4728
24 Hour Hotline: (855)-SAMADHI
En Español llame/texto: (845) 383-7973
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How Samadhi Helps You
Samadhi Outreach Center
and Outreach Team
Samadhi’s outreach center is currently open Monday through Saturday 9am-9pm and is open to meetings and groups on Sundays. Samadhi peer advocates support individuals with getting into treatment, stable housing, SNAP benefits, social services, and/or Medication Assisted Treatment. Our peers facilitate recovery and mindfulness-based groups, they provide basic case management services, provide transportation, and they distribute harm reduction materials. Samadhi’s outreach center is a safe place for individuals in all levels of recovery and is open to their families as well for additional supportive services.
Outpatient Clinic
Our outpatient clinic uses evidence-based therapeutic models to provide compassionate, trauma-based treatment for our clients. Samadhi’s Outpatient Clinic employs highly-trained Substance Abuse Counselors, Licensed Social Workers, Peer Recovery Advocates, and Medical Staff to provide a well-rounded treatment approach for individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Samadhi’s medical director, Dr. Maya Hambright, is a board-certified addiction specialist and one of the biggest providers of medication assisted addiction treatment in Ulster County.
Samadhi Refuge
Emergency Housing
Samadhi Refuge is zoned as an inn and is reimbursed by the Ulster County Department of Social Services to provide emergency housing just like many other local motels. However, unlike any other motel, Samadhi Refuge provides round-the-clock support services to individuals housed with us. Our staff of recovery coaches are on-site and available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week to support our residents.
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The Opposite of
Addiction is Human
Addiction Recovery Through
Compassion and Understganding