Project Status
We anticipate building the Center, in phases, over the next three years. Starting as a low threshold, drop-in center coupled with an eight bed holistic Detox center. This drop-in center/Detox will be offering groups, Family therapy and individual counseling, meditation and mindfulness practices . We will also offer basic needs food, a place to wash clothing and shower. Our partnerships with those who offer job training and housing will be of great service here as well. We seek to ultimately establish an OASAS-licensed residential treatment facility, providing a fully-integrated set of therapeutic individual and family services. Given its distinctive approach, we believe the Center, if successful, could serve as a potential model for providers seeking to use this program to improve their practice in other hard-hit areas of the country. For this reason, we are proposing to include a research arm of Samadhi from the very beginning. Data from this research will allow us to document the building of our intervention, assess fidelity and make improvements in real time, demonstrate efficacy and obtain/sustain funding. Publication of our results will help inform replication and aid in dissemination.
As of this writing, we have engaged a consulting firm to conduct a feasibility study that will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed project, opportunities and threats, the resources required, and ultimately its prospects for success. This feasibility study is scheduled to be completed the beginning of July 2018. At the same time, we have also started seeking input and support from community stakeholders, expert advisors, and potential funders. We have already identified some staff and some incredibly important project champions.