Samadhi Featured in Chronogram Magazine

Samadhi Offers an Alternative Road to Addiction Recovery 

Head to Colony on 1/27 to Help Raise Funds for Mindfulness-Based Recovery

By Anne Pyburn Craig

A star-studded evening coming to Colony Woodstock this Sunday, January 27, will benefit Samadhi Recovery, a treatment center for those suffering from substance use and related disorders and addictions that’s being founded in Kingston by filmmaker, substance abuse counselor, and recovery coach David McNamara.


“The overall vision for Samadhi is a harm-reduction-based inpatient program, detox, and outreach center. We’re starting with the outreach center,” says McNamara, a Zen practitioner who’s been working in the addiction field for a decade and teaches mindful recovery tactics at two rehabs and a halfway house. “Four years ago, my son’s best friend overdosed. We knew he had been using, but it hit hard. I started going to meetings at Bread Alone, helped start Woodstock’s PAARI (Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative) program. I felt the need to do more.” Working on a documentary about the subject, McNamara became aware that there are treatment options that are only available to people who can pay $300-500 an hour.



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